Grey Ghost

I have been playing  about 21/2 years now, with 7 family members who play around me. in that time I have been the oldest at 59 years, coming across only 1 Viet Nam Vet. in playing in the northern Ohio area, we have the 4 seasons to play in, which makes it fun all year around. my guns from entering this sport in order are: (1) Brass Eagle Tiger Shark (modified); (2) Tippmann 68 Carbine (stock); (3) Piranha STS (low pressure); last (4) Smart Parts Shocker 4x4 Sport. also play with a standard sling-shot, which chrony's at 140 fps. I have had kills with the sling. wherever I travel with our team (Cleveland north coast teamX) , I practice and teach safety. wherever I play as a sniper, the game slows down to take out the sniper. you become a trophy kill. a favorite story comes to mind in looking for the sniper, as they sweep the woods you here, did you see the "GHOST", is he there, or hear. as I am in the brush, and its said "all clear in that brush", lol inside I say and my favorite quote, "it might have been clear yesterday, but today its not", then SPLAT, ha.